Jean de Luxembourg, Roi de Bohême
Breeder: F. Ducher 2010
Height: 150 cm
Planting distance: 80 cm
Powerful fragrance
Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn introduced this rosebush to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the marriage of the Count of Luxembourg, known as John the Blind (1296-1346), to Eliška Premyšlovna, heir to the throne of Bohemia. The rose was named in Prague in the gardens of the residence of the Luxembourg Ambassador at the reception for the Luxembourg National Holiday, on 23 June 2010.
The apricot yellow flowers with jagged petals show their golden stamens at the end of the flowering season. Flowering continues until the autumn on this moderately vigorous shrub with dark foliage. Preventative treatment is beneficial in order to ensure healthy growth and abundant flowering.
Address of the secretariat of the Association
Grand Ducal of the Friends of the Rose :
L- 7441 LINTGEN Bergerie, 41
Phone Number: +352 621 422 444
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