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D’Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn engagéiren sech fir den Télévie

2011 ass eng Roud Rous op de Numm “TÉLÉVIE “ gedeeft ginn. Dëst fir den 10. Gebuertsdag vun der Aktioun Télévie hei zu Lëtzebuerg.
Eng roud gefëllten Beetrous vun 50 -80 cm. 

Bestellt Aer Rous(en) elo schon bei de Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn zum Präis vun 25€.

Den Erléiss vun all Télévie -Rous geet un d’Kriibsfuerschung, an hëlleft, dass de Lëtzebuerger Rousepatrimoine a eise Gäert blitt.
Den 22 Abrëll 2023 kënnt dir Aer Rousen zu Schëtter am Centre de promesses vum Télévie ewech huelen.

Award Garden of Excellence 2022

High distinction for the “Roseraie Château de Munsbach”: at the World Rose Convention in Australia, it was awarded as “Garden of Excellence 2022”.

The “Roseraie Château de Munsbach” was awarded on occasion of the 19th World Congress of Roses which took place in Adelaide from October 27th to November 3rd 2022. After South Africa (2012), Lyon (2015) and Copenhagen (2018), more than 300 participants from 32 countries came together to take part in conferences, visits, events, workshops and meetings.

During the congress, the World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) selected 8 rose gardens from 12 applications, including the “Roseraie Château de Munsbach” as the “Award of Garden Excellence 2022”. The “Roseraie Château de Munsbach” was selected based on the criteria of its originality, number of roses, types of roses, quality of care and attractiveness to the public.

Mireille Steil, former president of the “Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn” and vice president Europe of the World Federation of Rose Societies, had the honor of picking up this award on site. In the coming weeks, the world association will hand over a bronze plaque to the Luxembourg rose friends “Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn” that will be installed in the rose garden. 

Literary Award 2022 for the book “Luxembourg – Land of Roses”
The World Federation of Rose Societies (WFRS) also awarded the WFRS Literary Award 2022. Among the laureates was the book “Luxembourg – Land of Roses” by Heidi Howcroft (author) and Marianne Majerus (photographer), whose prize was picked up by the WFRS representative of Luxembourg, Mireille Steil.

World Rose Convention 2022

A rose for “Prince Charles de Luxembourg”

In the “Roseraie Château de Munsbach” in the garden of Münsbach Castle, a rose was baptised “Prince Charles de Luxembourg”.

Prince Charles, the son of Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, was born on 10 May. Barely five months after his birth, a rose was christened “Prince Charles de Luxembourg” in the “Roseraie” in the park of Münsbach Castle. With the rose baptism, the “Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn” keep an old tradition alive. “It is a nice custom that roses bear the name of members of our ruling house,” emphasised Mireille Steil, President of the “Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn” at the christening.

Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie and Prince Charles came to the park in Münsbach for the naming ceremony in a small circle on 5 October. After a short tour of the rose garden – where roses named after Grand Duke Jean and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, among others, can be seen – the christening of the rose took place. Afterwards, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Grand Duchess planted the first specimen of the new flower.

The rose “Prince Charles de Luxembourg” was bred by the Belgian breeder Anne Velle, Lens-Roses. The process took six years, Anne Velle explained at the christening in Münsbach. Among the special characteristics of the flower were its high resistance and its versatility.
At the renowned rose novelty competition in Baden-Baden, the rose has already been awarded the Luxembourg Prize of Honour. According to the breeder, it will be available in autumn of next year.

Visit by the President of the World Federation of Rose Societies to the Munsbach Castle Rose Garden.

Visit at the “Roseraie Schloss Munsbach” by the President of the World Federation of Rose Societies.

At the invitation of the Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn, Countess Henrianne de Briey, President of the World Federation of Rose Societies, took advantage of her visit to Luxembourg to visit the Park of the Château de Münsbach to walk through the flowerbeds of this magnificent national collection of our country’s roses.

She was thus able to admire the roses produced in the past by Luxembourg rose growers and widely exported throughout the world, as well as those later christened in Luxembourg:
In all, around 150 different species, in full bloom.
The President of the Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn, Mireille Steil, surrounded by her committee, led the visit.

We stopped in front of this or that rose dedicated to a member of the grand-ducal family or to a Luxembourg or foreign personality.
The rose garden is open to the public and is freely accessible every day of the week.
It should be remembered that the World Federation brings together some fifty National Federations and that it was created by the mother of Countess Henrianne de Briey: Lilly de Gerlache, a great figure of the Belgian resistance and a survivor of Ravensbruck.  Gaston de Gerlache, Henrianne’s father was with Prince Antoine de Ligne, husband of Princess Alix, a member of the Belgian expeditions to Antarctica.

We also briefly recalled the history of the castle, which for a few years after the First World War was the residence of the Belgian Legation with Albert de Ligne and Jules le Jeune de Munsbach. And it was the latter who, in 1921, after the troubled years of discord, contributed to the setting up of the Economic Union with Belgium.

Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn

15 June 2020

La Rose en Fête (Celebration of the rose)

In the wonderful rose gardens of Château de Munsbach


Et wor emol zu Lëtzebuerg: “D’Rousekinneken”



Address of the secretariat of the Association
Grand Ducal of the Friends of the Rose :

L- 7441 LINTGEN  Bergerie, 41

Phone Number: +352 621 422 444

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