Rose Garden Château de Munsbach

The rose garden was built in 2017 by the Luxembourg Rose friends (Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn), in collaboration with the municipality of Schuttrange, on a plot of land at the base of the Castle of Munsbach, belonging to the State. The aim of the garden is to collect old and new varieties of Luxembourg roses in order to preserve the national rose heritage.
The rose garden is freely accessible to the public and it accommodates an impressive collection of 600 old and new rose types. This remarkable collection represents the rich unique past of roses in the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg.
Carried by the members of the association and by the municipality of Schuttrange, it is regularly maintained and improved by the volunteers of the Luxembourg Rose friends.
Address of the rose garden:
L- 5374 MUNSBACH rue du Parc
La Rose en Fête 2019
Opening September 2017
See more at Visit Luxembourg
Building of the rose garden
Address of the secretariat of the Association
Grand Ducal of the Friends of the Rose :
L- 7441 LINTGEN Bergerie, 41
Phone Number: +352 621 422 444
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