Breeder: Orard 2014
Height: 60 cm
Planting distance: 60 cm
Has no fragrance
Le Roeulx (B) Certificate of Merit 2012
To mark the 100th anniversary of the Luxembourg Red Cross in 2014, Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn launched a new rose. This variety honours Aline Mayrisch de St. Hubert (1874-1947), a key figure who was very involved in Luxembourg’s cultural and intellectual life. She was a founding member of the Luxembourg Red Cross in 1914.
The ‘Aline Mayrisch Rose’ is a rose with grouped flowers in an original colour, yellow on the front and red on the reverse. It produces abundant flowers and is highly resistant to diseases. Does well in a pot.
Address of the secretariat of the Association
Grand Ducal of the Friends of the Rose :
L- 7441 LINTGEN Bergerie, 41
Phone Number: +352 621 422 444
CCPLLULL IBAN LU32 1111 0943 0521 0000