Indépendance du Luxembourg

Breeder: Louis Lens 1989
Height: 80 cm
Planting distance: 60 cm
Fragrance: very pleasant
His Royal Highness Grand Duke Jean expressed the desire to name a rose to commemorate the National Anniversaries. The Lëtzebuerger Rousefrënn (Luxembourg Rose Friends) chose this tea rose to celebrate the Grand Duchy’s 150 years of independence in 1989. The namers were H.R.H. the Grand-Duchess Joséphine-Charlotte and Mr Pierre Werner, the former Luxembourg minister.
‘Indépendance de Luxembourg’ is a rose with large perfectly formed salmon pink flowers. Its flowers give off a delicious fragrance. It needs lots of sun and rich soil to flower throughout the summer.
Address of the secretariat of the Association
Grand Ducal of the Friends of the Rose :
L- 7441 LINTGEN Bergerie, 41
Phone Number: +352 621 422 444
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